Educational TV
/Educational TV
Our TV is fixed!
Now once again I learn that medicine can lead me through
gauzy montages of every possible happiness, let me
run through fields of hay with my still-handsome and
playful though white-bearded husband,
who will push me on a swing while I lean back
and we both smile smiles wide as a swing seat.
Pencil in hand, so that I can write down the toll-free number,
I learn that pills can let me play chess with
an elementary-school lad of color who will gaze
at me adoringly, chin on fist, while reaching slyly toward
the timer to his right.
I’ll slap playfully at his hand, and we’ll both giggle.
I learn also that if after taking the recommended dosage,
I experience any of the most common side-effects:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, difficulty breathing, headache,
double vision, frequent urination, trouble hearing,
dizziness, nausea, palpitations, loss of appetite,
or an erection that lasts more than four hours —
or other common side-effects,
including runny nose, sneezing and thoughts of suicide —
I should call my doctor or nine-one-one.
If on the other hand, for any reason I have a moment of
good health and am focusing simply on Buying Local,
I learn that several car dealers right here in Newburgh,
in colorfully checked suits and blonde helpers,
can get me a great deal on a certified pre-owned vehicle
but only until May, so I have to Act Now and Not Delay,
and that our local attorneys, if my car does indeed
lose its tie rods or brakes, will stand by me all the way
and never give up, because: They Don’t Win if I Don’t Win!
I’m writing it all down.
Really, when the TV is fixed, everything is fixed.
What an edication!