The Coolest Books are at Newburgh's Golden Hour

The Golden Hour Bookstore, 181 B’way in Newburgh, N.Y., is wonderful for many reasons, first among them being the proprietor, Angie Venezia, who has a knack for offering books for all interests and all ages in her little shop. She carries great poetry there, and I am honored to say that, if you can’t wait to buy it in person, you can order my own poetry chapbook, “Pretty Nearly All Natural,” anytime, through

Drop in and browse, or order online. Hope to see you there soon!

Golden hour bookstore, at 181 Broadway, is just what newburgh needed. support this bricks-and-mortar treasure!

Get It at the Golden Hour!

Shop Local: My first book of poetry, “Pretty Nearly All Natural,” is now available at the Golden Hour Bookstore, 181 Broadway in Newburgh, N.Y.!

If you haven’t done so already, please pre-order a copy or two (or 10, or 436 …) by clicking here:

Golden Hour is a great bookstore (as you’ll see, if you haven’t been there yet), and it’s more important than ever to support our local businesspeople. Hope to see you at Golden Hour Books soon!

Get ‘em while they’re hot! pre-order my first book of poetry from the one and only angie Venezia, proprietor of golden hour books on newburgh’s broadway, today!

Please order my poetry book by Aug. 12 ... for the discount!

For those few stragglers who have still not ordered “Pretty Nearly All Natural,” my poetry book that will be published by Finishing Line Press in September: this weekend is your last chance to do so AT A DISCOUNT! The publisher is raising the price by 2 bucks on Monday, Aug. 12. To pre-order now for $15.99, go to, click on “Bookstore” at the top and then type “abrams” in the search bar. Or, just click on this bold type:



Wow, 2nd Ad in the Mid Hudson Times and Southern Ulster News!

The Mid Hudson Times and Southern Ulster News are both running my ad again for my poetry book, “Pretty Nearly All Natural,” which will be published in the fall by Finishing Line Press. Please remember to pre-order NOW, as the publisher is hiking the price by $2 on Aug. 3. To pre-order, click here:



Nice Ad for my First Poetry Book!

Thanks to the Mid Hudson Times for running this ad for my first book of poetry … on Page 3, no less! It’s also in the awesome Southern Ulster Times. All you have to do (and please do) is pre-order the book before Aug. 3. On that date, the publisher, Finishing Line Press, will raise the price by 2 bucks. Hope you will pre-order before running out to see the fireworks tonight!

Thanks to the mid hudson times and the southern ulster times for running this ad. now, please run and pre-order my chapbook, “Pretty nearly all natural!”

Where Do All the Poets Meet?

“Grand Street, Grand Street…”

Sorry, the heat has melted my brain and i was just humming to myself (because, why not?) the old Orlons hit, “South Street.” ANYWAY: Check out the new meeting place for the Hudson River Poets!

And, join us! Anyone can come, read a poem or two, or just listen. We have some terrific poets around here!

July 6, aug. 6, and sept. 7 are our next 3 meetups … in the air-conditioned newburgh free library! everyone is welcome to attend, read a poem, or just listen.

Mid Hudson Times Wants You to Know

My first book of poetry, “Pretty Nearly All Natural,” will be published by Finishing Line Press in September! Here is the story about it that ran in Dae Vitale’s column in this week’s issue of the MHT. To summarize: It costs $15.99 if you pre-order now, but the price will go up by 2 bucks on Aug. 3. So, please, hurry over to:, click on “Bookstore” at the top and then type Abrams in the search box. Or, simply click here:

This terrific poetry publisher is also on Twitter at @FLPress.

Thanks for the nice write-up, dae! Hope everyone clicks here: before August 3!

Rabbi Lew Has A Reminder for Pride Month

Rabbi Alan Lew, of blessed memory, wrote these words in 2003, in his book, This Is Real and You are Completely Unprepared: “All human beings are bearers of the divine. And when we try to drive a particular group of people away, we drive the divine away with them … God hears the cries of the oppressed and goes where they go.”

A good reminder for us all every day, and especially in June — Pride Month.

A blessed pride month to one and all.

Finishing Line Press Proudly Announces the Upcoming Publication ...

… of "Pretty Nearly All Natural, a book of poetry by ME, your Newburgh Poet Laureate! In focus in this volume are a watchful red-tailed hawk, a southbound flock of geese, an annoying gabble of grackles and a murder of crows, but sharp humor and poignant portraits of memorable humans fly across its pages as well. I’m pretty nearly sure you’ll love it. IT’S JUST $15.99 IF YOU ORDER BY AUG. 2! At, click on the Bookstore tab, then type Abrams in the search box.


Advice to All Poets Laureate

Here’s a poem I wrote shortly after being named Poet Laureate of Newburgh, N.Y. last year.

It’s called “Tatter Us a Poem,” and it’s advice I’d give to all Poets Laureate (if anyone asked me).


Tatter us a poem — tack it to a wall

and never give a damn if it doesn’t rhyme at all.

Shatter us a brain; break a heart or two;

etch a verse upon the door of every bar in view.

Spatter us a feeling upon a sash or sill;

blast it bold for everyone to hear it, if we will.

Scatter us some startle — shake us to our core;

awaken us to dig connection deeper than before.

Matter not the meter; the meat of what you say

(and the solace) is the knowing you have touched us on our way.

Stay tuned for info on my forthcoming book of poetry, “Pretty Nearly all natural!”

Hurrah for the UMC!

Rabbi Alan Lew, of blessed memory, wrote in his book This Is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared: “All human beings are bearers of the divine. And when we drive a particular group away, we drive God away with them.”

Three cheers for the worldwide United Methodist Church, and the compromise they reached at their General Conference in Charlotte, N.C., this month, regarding same-sex marriage. Proud of my husband, Tim Riss, and his team for their hard work over the past several years, to get this accomplished.



It Feels As If They Don't Want Us to Vote

As i write this, it’s 6:30 p.m. on School Board Election Day, May 21, 2024. I got home from work at about 4:30 and immediately walked the five blocks to the place where i ALWAYS vote: South Middle School. Polling is open till 9 p.m., so i had plenty of time. It was very hot out, but i have had a tradition of walking to my polling place ever since i cast my first ballot, in 1968.

When i got to SMS, i had a sick feeling because there was no sandwich board in the parking lot saying, “VOTE HERE” or, “VOTE TODAY,” as there usually is on election day. When I went to the front door i always go in to vote, i found it was locked. I thought that perhaps the voting booths were around back, in the gym, as they have been on occasionally over the years (for reasons never explained to us voters). But i didn’t go around back, because there was a sign in black type on a yellow background, in 2 languages, with a border of blue painter’s tape, affixed to the front door, saying (SEE PHOTO): “POLLING PLACE CHANGE! CITY OF NEWBURGH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS! YOUR POLLING PLACE HAS BEEN CHANGED: SUNY ORANGE KAPLAN HALL, 73 1ST STREET. THIS POLLING PLACE CHANGE IS PERMANENT! For more information call the Board of Elections, 845-360-6500.”

i have never failed to vote in an election in my life. To me, it’s the most important right (and privilege) of those living in a democracy. My grampa didn’t come to this country in steerage so that i could fail to vote. There was no way i was going to fail to vote. So i kept on walking. i walked from SMS, on one of the southernmost properties in Newburgh, all the way to SUNY Orange, on the north side of town. Oh, i forgot to mention: It was about 85 degrees out.

When i got to SUNY Orange, the security guard laughingly asked, “Are you here to vote?” “Yes,” i smiled back at him. “Well,” he said, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you are now the…” (here he looked down at a piece of paper on his desk) “… 22nd person to come here trying to vote, and there’s no voting booths here.”

Stunned, i told him about the sign at SMS. “Yeah, i heard about that, but that sign is wrong. This is not a polling location,” he said.

Here’s a funny thing that happened about four days ago: A pair of young men (one Black, one Latino) came to my yard as i was gardening and handed me a colorful card promoting four School Board candidates (three of whom are incumbents). It said, basically, “Don’t forget to vote,” but it didn’t say where. I asked them if they knew where my polling place would be. i now believe they thought they were in Ward 1, not Ward 2, because they said, “Yes, because of your location, you vote at the Heritage Center.” i was pretty sure i knew where they meant, but i don’t call it that. “You mean the Old Court House?”

“Yeah,” they replied, “across from the Library.” Well, this couldn’t be right, because my house is located, like SMS, in the southernmost end of the city, and the Heritage Center, like SUNY and the Library, is in the northern part. “Hmm…that’s funny,” i said. “Are you sure? Because that’s awfully far from here, and i always vote at South Middle School.”

“Yes! You vote at the Heritage Center,” they said.

So, back to today’s fustercluck: In desperation, i asked the security guard at SUNY if he knew where i’m supposed to vote, and he suggested, “Maybe Horizons-on-Hudson Elementary? Or, the Heritage Center? Or, the Library?” The closest to me of those three buildings — just a few blocks farther north — was the Library, so i went there. A young woman at the desk informed me that the Library was NOT a polling place. She showed me a sheet of paper in front of her that said Ward 2 voters should go to SMS. Somehow, i refrained from blowing my brains out.

God bless her, after i told her about the sign, she made several calls to both the Board of Education and the Orange County Board of Elections, but got no answer at either number (it was now long after 5 p.m). But she kept trying and finally she said that “someone” told her that there was no such sign as the one i’d described, and that i should return to the SMS “and try around back.” She said she believed me about the sign, though, and that the “someone” she’d spoken with said “someone” would be there in “about 15 minutes” to rip the sign down.

i walked as fast as i could back to SMS, hoping against hope that i would get a photo of the sign before it was removed. It took me about 25 minutes (bad knee), but when i got there, there it was! i took this rather poor photo of it (sun-glare, my own reflection showing) and, rather than just head home (a cold beer was calling me quite loudly at this point), i decided to “go around back” just for the heck of it anyway.

Guess what! After passing at least three locked doors, i came to one plain, totally unmarked door looking for all the world like the door to a janitorial closet. It was unlocked! And inside were … people! Four or five election workers were there, and when they innocently asked, “How you doing?” i gave them quite an earful. Not one of them believed me about the sign until i showed them the photo, and for some reason (probably i was having a stroke) i couldn’t make them understand what i meant by “the front door.” One nice lady walked with me around to the front door, where the sign (thank you, God) remained taped. She took it down immediately.

Still, after all that, i can’t help wondering how many more than 22 Newburgh residents were discouraged from voting today. And OK, i’ll go ahead and say it: I also can’t help wondering if “some” people actually didn’t want us to vote.

Nope! SUNY is not our polling place for today’s school board election! hope no one else was fooled, as i was.

Ninebark Glowing!

I bought this ninebark, a native shrub, at Adams Fairacre Farms in Newburgh this spring. i bought another, yellow-leafed, one from them a year ago, and it is thriving and huge in the bright sunlight of my yard. Went i went to Adams this year, they had no yellow-leafed ninebarks, so i got this red-leafed one. It’s not just growing — it’s glowing!

It’ was nicknamed “ninebark” by the indiginous people of the newburgh area because in the fall, when its leaves are off, you can see the many mottled colors, sycamore-like, of its stems.

Indigo Buntings at Black Rock Forest!

Indigo buntings, blue as the sky, were among the gorgeous and amazing birds we saw at Black Rock Forest on Monday. Tim and i were lucky enough to participate in BRF’s annual Migrating Bird Walk along with about a dozen other folks. The 3-hour walk was led by BRF ornithologists and other staff members, who are all great teachers. My great THANKS to them, and to our new friend Dan, who drove us up to the starting point in his cool, high-clearance car.

But those birds! (This photo is from the website of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.)

Indigo buntings, like this one, were just some of the birds we saw at Black Rock Forest.

Read Your Favorite Poem Out Loud at the Library!

Join me at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 14 at the Newburgh Free Library, 124 Grand St., for the city’s first annual Poetry Circle! Read your favorite poem out loud, or just come to listen to the poems others bring. Either way, it’ll be lots of fun for all ages. (This is a direct order from the Newburgh Poet Laureate, so don’t even think of missing out!)