Vote Blue! And while you're at it, Vote Green!

If you haven’t done so already: Vote the straight Democratic ticket to save our democracy, and then flip the ballot over and vote YES ON PROP 1, to save our environment!

Vote the straight Democratic line on Nov. 8 if you haven’t done so already, and don’t forget to flip your ballot over to VOTE YES on PROP 1!

Democrats in Orange County's District 4: Please vote for Lujan on June 22!

I urge my fellow Democrats in Orange County Legislative District 4 (that’s YOU, City of Newburgh and Town of Newburgh!) to join me in voting for our incumbent, Kevindaryan Lujan, in the primary on June 22. (Early in-person voting begins at Newburgh’s Activity Center, 401 Washington Street, on June 12.)

As a progressive activist, Lujan is accessible and responsive. He articulates the people’s positions on issues such as:

TRANSPORTATION: He is working to have buses running to and from the right places at the right times, to connect people to employment zones.

HOUSING: He advocates for affordable housing, to help people stay in their homes with the help of federal funds.

DIVERSITY: He is a leading voice for training on equity and inclusion in hiring for public jobs.

HEALTHCARE: He collaborates with organizations such as RECAP, Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson and others to achieve racial equity in healthcare, throughout this pandemic and beyond.

Lujan is not only Orange County’s youngest legislator, he’s also our best. Please vote in the primary to keep him working for us all.

Kevindaryan Lujan’s the Man for the City and Town of Newburgh: Please VOTE for him in the Democratic Primary, coming up on June 22!

Kevindaryan Lujan’s the Man for the City and Town of Newburgh: Please VOTE for him in the Democratic Primary, coming up on June 22!

Sometimes You Just Gotta Name What You're Feeling

Merriam-Webster notes that in the first three days after President Trump’s COVID-19 infection was announced, there was a jump of 30,500% (yep, you’re reading that right) in the number of lookups for the word, “Schadenfreude.” Check it out:

And, unrelated, this news reminded me of an old New Yorker cartoon I’ve had taped to the wall of my home office for a long while.
