Here’s Who to Vote For ... In Case You're Wondering
/A message from Kevindaryan Lujan, Orange County Legislator and 2022 Orange County Latinos Leadership Awardee:
An extremist group has been pretending that Orange County Latinos support Colin Schmitt’s bid to replace Congressman Pat Ryan. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As the first Latino elected to the Orange County Legislature, I want to set the record straight: Latinos absolutely DO NOT support Schmitt. In fact, we strongly support the fearless and effective Ryan, who is endorsed by the Democratic and Working Families parties.
As an Assemblymember, Schmitt’s deplorable positions are a matter of public record. He championed the expansion of Trump’s expensive, failed “Wall,” and applauded children being separated from their families as he held a photo op at the Mexican border. Locally, he tried to use immigrants as political pawns, claiming that families passing through could be a threat to Orange County residents. The most notable thing Schmitt has ever done was to stir division and hatred by cheering a busload of people who were on their way to protest against legitimate election results. Schmitt and his extremist pals are a danger to the very fabric of our democracy. He opposes affordable housing, he opposes healthcare for all, and he definitely does not care about the struggles of Black and Latino working-class families.
He also opposes a woman’s right to reproductive choice, even in cases of rape or incest. The only lie bigger than “Latinos for Schmitt” are his pink signs reading, “Women for Schmitt”. No one who actually cares about the rights of women or minorities would support Colin Schmitt for higher office.
Congressman Ryan’s leadership is already making a difference for millions of Americans. He supports women’s right to choose, and he will stand up against Big Pharma, gun lobbyists, and billionaires looking for more tax cuts for themselves. Finally, he will make the environment a priority, not a talking point.
We Latinos are smart, and we love this country. We’re voting for Pat Ryan.
Vote for Julie: We Need Her Truly!