Indigo Buntings at Black Rock Forest!

Indigo buntings, blue as the sky, were among the gorgeous and amazing birds we saw at Black Rock Forest on Monday. Tim and i were lucky enough to participate in BRF’s annual Migrating Bird Walk along with about a dozen other folks. The 3-hour walk was led by BRF ornithologists and other staff members, who are all great teachers. My great THANKS to them, and to our new friend Dan, who drove us up to the starting point in his cool, high-clearance car.

But those birds! (This photo is from the website of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.)

Indigo buntings, like this one, were just some of the birds we saw at Black Rock Forest.

Ain't Nature Grand/Disgusting?

This morning i was treated to the sight of a Cooper's hawk almost directly under my bird feeder. He (she?) was feasting on a still-steaming starling. (There's a poem here somewhere ... or at least a tongue-twister.) Tim called my attention to it while i was in the kitchen making breakfast. I turned off the stove, grabbed my binoculars and uttered the word "EWWWW!" every few seconds for a full 20 minutes as the raptor, blood dripping from its beak, tore the flight feathers off its prey one by one and spit them out onto the reddening snow. I was horrified and fascinated and couldn't look away. 

Then the hawk flew off with the starling carcass and i went back to ... scrambling my eggs. 

Birds are a lot of things, but they're not hypocrites.

Well, i guess we're both eating our breakfasts, aren't we?

Well, i guess we're both eating our breakfasts, aren't we?