A Great Day at Muchattoes Lake
/Saturday, June 10 was a great day of kayaking, exploring our city and learning about a wonderful urban trail-in-the-making here in Newburgh. The Quassaick Creek Watershed Alliance, the Newburgh Rowing Club, the city’s Conservation Advisory Council and others organized this day to show off Muchattoes Lake as a fascinating site for recreation and outdoor adventure — soon (please, G-d) to be an important part of the Quassaick Creek Trail from the Hudson River to Crystal Lake.
For several hours
Hikers, joggers and birders, take note!
newburgh’s environmental justice fellows, thanks to the Greater newburgh parks conservancy’s kathy lawrence, took part in the festivities to get to know a little-known, wild and wonderful part of our city. Carol Lawrence, bottom left, greeted all attendees and registered them for activities including kayaking on the lake and walking the future trail around it,