Black Newburghers: If You're Looking to Sell Your House ...

Here is a horrifying story i saw today out of Indianapolis, one of the most racist cities i’ve visited in my 72 years: i fear it’s true everywhere, including Newburgh. A Black homeowner wanted to have her home appraised, apparently because she was looking to sell it, and therefore was hoping it would be appraised for a HIGH amount. It was appraised twice, at extremely LOW values, until she got the idea to have it appraised once more while a white friend stood in for her. The result was an appraisal more than twice as high as the others. She is now suing everyone she can, for illegal discrimination. Meanwhile, if any Black Newburghers are looking to sell your home (and i’m hoping you’re not: PLEASE STAY!), reach me at and i will be glad to “stand in” for you while the appraiser visits. (I am, as many of you know, the classic “little old white lady.”)