Tu b'Shevat is Almost Here: Kiss a Tree!

Monday, Feb. 10 this year is Tu B’Shevat: The Jewish New Year of Trees.

In the Jewish tradition, all trees have the same birthday: the 15th of the month of Shevat (kind of like how all racehorses are considered to have been born on Jan. 1.) We celebrate trees as one of the greatest gifts of G-d because they provide us with:

  • the oxygen we need to breathe

  • removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

  • beauty

  • shade

  • fruits, nuts and flowers

  • air-temperature moderation

  • filtering of toxins from the soil

  • vantage points for birds watching for food, rivals and potential mates

  • perfect locations for trail blazes

  • building materials

  • fuel for wood stoves and campfires

  • homes, food and shelter for wildlife

  • places to picnic under, talk under, rest under, marvel at, swing from, learn from, climb on and thank G-d for

There’s probably a tree you can hug right in your own ‘hood.

There’s probably a tree you can hug right in your own ‘hood.